LearningML as an Open Source Project

LearningML is a platform for teaching and learning the fundamentals of Machine Learning through practical activities. But it is also a research project and an open source project.

What does it mean that LearningML is an open source project?

Open source software follows principles that facilitate the collaboration of many parties in its development. This is achieved by applying a licence that allows anyone to download the code, study it, modify it and even install it on their own server. In this way, if someone, for whatever reason, develops a new functionality for LearningML, the project can benefit from it by incorporating it.

Why would anyone be interested in developing new functionality for LearningML?

The reasons are as many as there are people in the world, but some likely reasons could be:

  • Bachelors/Masters students looking for a project for their final project.
  • Teachers looking for an activity/project for their students.
  • Institutions or companies that want to use LearningML and could do with adding new things to LearningML.
  • People who want to participate in an Open Source project and learn how Machine Learning algorithms are programmed.

Can someone install LearningML on a server other than https://learningml.org?

Yes. But always within the terms of the licence. That is, you must clearly provide access to the source code you have modified. And if you have not modified it, you must show an access to the original repository. You must also make the corresponding attributions. The licence we have applied to both the LearningML editor and the API server is Affero GPL. On the other hand, the modification of Scratch to incorporate the Machine Learning programming blocks carries the same licence as the original Scratch code developed by MIT: BSD-3.

How can you contribute to the project?

You can contribute in several ways:

  • as a developer,
  • as a teacher,
  • as a researcher

Contributing as a developer

All the code needed to build the LearningML platform is available in Gitlab. The following link shows a list of all the projects that make up LearningML:

In the README.md and CONTRIBUTING.md files of each project you will find information on how to create a development environment and how to contribute to the project. Possible ways to contribute as a developer are:

  • Reporting bugs,
  • Discussing the current state of the code,
  • Submitting merge requests that fix problems or add new features,
  • Proposing new features,
  • Becoming a code maintainer,
  • Running tests (manual or adding automated tests), Writing documentation
  • Writing documentation
Contributing as a teacher

If you are a teacher, the most immediate way to contribute to the project is simply by using it in your classes and helping to spread it through social networks and introducing it to other teachers.

Of course, if you have done an activity that uses LearningML in some way and you want to tell about it on this website, you can contact me through the contact form. Without a doubt, these activities are the most valuable resources you can contribute to the project as a teacher and are more than welcome.

You can also use the contact form to make suggestions or if you have any ideas that we can work on together.

Contributing as a researcher

If you are a researcher and you are working in the world of computational thinking and teaching artificial intelligence in schools, and you are using LearningML to carry out some research, I would love to know about it and spread it from this website.

If you are looking for a tool for teaching artificial intelligence and computer programming, and want to know more about what LearningML can offer you, or you just have an idea for your research and need help, you can use the contact form to tell me about it.

And, of course, whether you are a developer, teacher, researcher or whatever; if you have any ideas to contribute to the project, let me know 😉 (contact form or via twitter @juandalibaba).

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