LearningML in the fortnightly seminars of the Raspberry Pi Foundation

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The Raspberry Pi Foundation has organized a series of fortnightly seminars with the intention of addressing current issues in compunting education research which. Due to the confined situation we are living in at the moment, are conducted online. These seminars are taking place from May 5th to July 28th 2020. In them several researchers tell about the projects they are currently working on.

The news is that I have been lucky enough to tell what, together with some members of the KGBLIII research group, we are doing with LearningML to teach Artificial Intelligence at school, as I was invited as a speaker for the session on May 19th.

How did the session develop?

I exposed the reasons we have to teach Artificial Intelligence in school. The basics of Machine Learning and the relationship it has with Artificial Intelligence. I showed the main features of LearningML. I made a demo on image recognition. And I presented the first results we have obtained for the research described in this paper.

You can watch the seminar

As a summary and presentation of the seminar, Sue Sentance (@suesentance), one of the organizers of these seminars, wrote this interesting post on the blog of the Raspberry Pi Foundation.

The experience was very enriching and I deeply thank Sue Sentance and Diana Kirby, from the Raspberry Pi Foundation. For giving me the opportunity to present to the research and educational community our LearningML tool and all the work we are doing around it.